The Nodl Team: Behind the Scenes of Building Bitcoin Nodes
Ep. 32

The Nodl Team: Behind the Scenes of Building Bitcoin Nodes

Episode description

Let me introduce you to two true Bitcoiners: Ketominer and his business partner, who are building bitcoin and lightning full nodes under the brand “nodl” since 2018. In our interview they explain how they got into bitcoin, why it is important to them and how they bootstrap their “un-corporation” from one level to the next.

  • How they got into the Bitcoin space
  • Changes in the Bitcoin space in the last years
  • How “nodl” came into life
  • The first nodl box
  • The importance of a full node
  • How to receive online payments with BTCPayserver integration
  • Nodl Cloud, Samourai Dojo Box
  • Difference between Nodl and Casa Box
  • Regulation of open source software related to crypto assets
  • Host4Coins
  • Their un-corporation and investors
  • Being bitcoin only

“Open source always wins.” – Ketominer


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Der Beitrag The Nodl Team: Behind the Scenes of Building Bitcoin Nodes erschien zuerst auf The Anita Posch Show.